Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Most Beautiful Moment

& time is a funny thing
“What is the meaning of life?
One night I had a dream, I was walking in the street like a kid ,whose hands  were being held by that of a father and mother, someone bigger guiding you.
And I asked this big person, “what is the meaning of life ?“
He showed me circles , circles of life, and then he showed me a flower.
Why,I wondered?
He seemed to have read my mind and said gently , "A plant has a circle. A seed becomes a plant that has a flower, transforms into a fruit. The fruit drops. There’s another seed, it grows again, this is another circle."
Unable to comprehend His analogy i ask hesitantly ,"but why show me the flower? What relevance is it?" 
"The flower is the moment that we live."
"The most beautiful moment of the circle."
"The most beautiful moment."
"Contemplate this.”

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